Prof. C. J. Shishoo
L. M. College has played a pivotal role in the rise of pharmaceutical industry in India after 1950. A large number of our graduates and post-graduates are welcomed as pharmacists and research workers in U.S and Europe

Dr. Ketanbhai R. Patel
I had the good fortune of completing M. Pharm. from LMCP in the year 1980. The training I received during my studies at this wonderful institute has enabled me to become a successful entrepreneur as well as an innovator. The teachers and support staff of provided us the right support and guidance and it was always a joy to be in the college. The emotional attachment of our alumni for the college is such that those visiting the city, invariably request for a visit to the college. I wish my alma mater a continued innings of success.

Shri Kanubhai Patel
It gave me a feeling of nostalgia on my visit as chief guest at the event of LMCP alumni meet 2019. The college has come a long way and carved out a reputation of itself in the field of pharmaceutical education. The college has churned out not just entrepreneurs but also a talent pool that made a significant contribution to growth and development of pharmaceutical industry. I am confident that the college would stick to its mission, vision and goals and continue its excellence in fulfilment of needs of pharmaceutical industry and society at large.