LMCP NSS regularly arranging various social activities like vaccine awareness talk, health awareness talk, blood donation camp, eye check-up camp, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, traffic awareness programme etc.., These activities help in motivating the students to contribute to our society in the present as well as in the future. It also helps them in identifying the underlying problems in the community and trying to give solutions. Apart from serving to society, students work in groups which help in improving their team spirit and leadership skills.
Report of Blood donation – 2017
- Name of the event Blood donation
- Dates of the event- 4th February 2017
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event).43
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: GUJARAT Cancer research society
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- LMCP is proud to have conducted its “Blood donation and Thalassemia test” camp on 4th of February, 2017. This was done in order to mark the World Cancer Day.Recognizing what a noble cause it was, about 43 units of blood was donated by students whole-heartedly
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – Medicinal Garden – 2017
- Name of the event: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – Medicinal Garden
- Dates of the event- 15/03/2017 and 16/03/2017
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 29
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: NIL
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- The NSS unit of L. M. College of Pharmacy organised cleaning of medicinal plant garden on 15th and 16th March, 2017. This event was inspired by the Prime Minister’s “Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.” A total of 29 NSS volunteers (from B. Pharm. Semester – 2) actively participated.
- The college contributed its part by providing all the facilities to the participating volunteers. This activity was co-ordinated and managed by senior NSS volunteers (B. Pharm. Semester – 4) – Mehul Patel, Riddhi Prajapati, Samkit Shah, Carron Kapadia, Palak Bhat, Riya Mistry and Jinal Patel – who participated equally enthusiastically.
- LMCP is really proud of such an environment-conscious students who are aware of cleanliness and its importance in life.
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Health Awareness Talk – 2018
- Name of the event: Health Awareness Talk
- Dates of the event- 24/07/2018
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 95
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. NIL
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks: Dr. Harshil Mehta (MBBS, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad) and Dr. Kalrav Mistry (Psychiatrist, Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad).
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
A health awareness programme was conducted at LMCP under NSS activity. The programme was organized to inculcate basic information about emergency situations and stress management in daily life. The main focus of the talk was to give primary information regarding the emergency situations during an accident, in which its our prior duty to do first aid of the victim which is only possible if we have sufficient knowledge regarding the rescue procedure. Two sessions were delivered by Dr. Harshil Mehta (MBBS, MD, Department of Emergency Medicine, Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad) and Dr. Kalrav Mistry (Psychiatrist, Shalby Hospital Ahmedabad). The former acknowledged the audience regarding the steps taken at the time of an emergency, in which he demonstrated the process of doing a CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and the latter spoke on various problems of youth, different types of addictions and its management. - All the volunteers of NSS and teachers attended the demonstration and acquired basic knowledge regarding the emergency situations. We are thankful to Dr. Harshil Mehta and Dr. Kalrav Mistry for taking out their valuable time to address the students
A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Blood donation – 2018
- Name of the event Blood donation
- Dates of the event- 23rd January 2018
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event).31
- Name of collaborating agencyf or the conduct of the event.: GUJARAT Cancer research society
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- LMCP successfully conducted “Blood Donation Campon 23rd of January, 2018. This was a part of celebration of annual fest of LMCP – Partycles 2018.RecognizingRecognizing what a noble cause it was, about 31 units of blood was donated by students enthusiastically
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Eye Checkup Camp – 2018
- Name of the event Eye Checkup Camp
- Dates of the event- 23rd January 2018
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event).119
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: Contacare Eye Hospital, Ahmedabad
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- L. M. College of Pharmacy, in association with Contacare Eye Hospital, Ahmedabad
- organized a free eye check up camp under NSS activity. The camp witnessed a sincere participation of over 100 students and staff members. On this occasion, the experts from Contacare Eye Hospital conducted a comprehensive computerized eye examination and counseled the patients regarding eye care.
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Swacch Bharat Internship – 2018
- Name of the event: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- Dates of the event- 18/06/2018 to11/07/2018
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 5
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: NIL
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- Under the Swach Bharat Summer Internship Programme of NSS, Pharm D students of LMCP had participated. Adalaj village of Gandhinagar district was selected for this programme. The whole programme was carried out from 18/06/2018 to 11/07/2018. The integral part of programme was to aware the villagers regarding swachhta. As a part of the programme, street cleaning, waste collection and solid waste segregation was done to clean the village premises. Door to door visits were made to know the problems of the villagers and accordingly guidance was provided to them. A short hospital visit was also done and the patients were guided for upcoming season precautions. A short rally was held in collabration with students of the Adalaj Kumar Primary school to aware the villagers regarding swacchta. Short videos were shown to students to give information about swachhta.
- Volunteers successfully completed this field activity and the whole programme proved to be a memorable and learning experience to them. Students who participated in SWACHH BHARAT SUMMER INTERNSHIP were –1.Vishal Dudhia (Pharm.D second year) 2.Dipen Kacha (Pharm.D second year), 3.Vrajesh Parmar (Pharm.D second year), 4.Vaishnavi Patel (Pharm.D second year), 5.Mansi Adatiya (Pharm.D second year)
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Traffic Awareness Programme – 2018
- Name of the event: Traffic Awareness Programme
- Dates of the event- 19/07/2018
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 45-50
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: Gujarat University Police station
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
Every now and then we heard news regarding road accidents. We all know what are the rules to be followed while driving, but are we following the rules regularly? The answer is probably, no! So as a part of NSS activity, students of LMCP have taken the great task to aware the society by organizing a “Traffic Awareness Programme.”
The programme was held at Vijay Cross Road by approximately 45-50 NSS volunteers. The awareness was spread through banners and posters stating few rules like-Please have your seat-belts on while driving, Put off your mobile phone while driving, Put on your helmets while driving.
Police Inspector and staff of Gujarat University Police Station also joined the programme with the volunteers and encouraged them. By this activity, the LMCPians contribute themselves in making “Aware India, Safe India.”
We are thankful to all staff of Gujarat University Police station for their kind co-operation to organize this drive.
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – 2019
- Name of the event: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
- Dates of the event- 2nd October,2019
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 50
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: NIL
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
LMCPians celebrated 150th birth anniversary of Shree Mahatma Gandhi-Father of the Nation on 2nd October, 2019 by organizing one of the NSS activity “Safai Abhiyan” under the campaign of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. We are all aware of the fact that Gandhiji was a firm believer of Safai (cleanliness) and Sadgi (simplicity). So, LMCPians paid tribute to him by organising a cleanliness drive at college. Around 50 students along with faculty members had joined together for this activity. They all enthusiastically cleaned the campus and shared different messages related to cleanliness through some amazing posters. At last our respected Principal Dr. Mahesh Chhabria addressed the students and motivated them to try to implement some good principles of Gandhiji in their lives. He also recommended to go through his biopic ‘My experiments with truth’. - A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.

Report of Blood donation – 2019
- Name of the event Blood donation
- Dates of the event- 30th January 2019
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event).24
- Name of collaborating agencyfor the conduct of the event.: GUJARAT Cancer research society
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
LMCP also successfully conducted “Blood Donation Camp which was managed by B-Pharm Semester-4 under the guidance of Dr. Dharmistha Parmar as a part of celebration of annual fest of LMCP – Partycles 2K19. The number of 24 units of blood donated by students is appreciably notable - A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.
Report of Blood donation – 2020
- Name of the event Blood donation drive
- Dates of the event- 3rd February 2020
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 50
- Name of collaborating agency for the conduct of the event.: GUJARAT Cancer research society
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks. Nil
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
- LMCP organized the blood donation camp which was managed by B.Pharm Semester 4 students under the guidance of Dr. Dharmistha Parmar and Dr. Nayan Ratnakar. The warm cooperation of many lead to the collection of 50 blood bottle units.
- A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.
Report of Corona vaccine awareness talk – 2021
- Name of the event: Corona vaccine awareness talk
- Dates of the event- 5th May,2021
- Number of participants (also geographical locations indicative of the reach of the event). 90
- Name of collaborating agencyfor the conduct of the event.: Nil
- Details of the Chief Guest, Guest(s) of Honour during the Inaugural and Valedictory functions. nil
- Details of the Speakers/ Resource Persons along with their affiliations and the title of their talks.: Dr Hiten Amin, Consultant Physician
- A brief description of the outcomes achieved through the event or the message from the event.
LMCP NSS organized Corona vaccine awareness talk for BPharm, DPharm, MPharm and PharmD students. Dr Hiten Amin discussed all the information related to vaccination and also briefed the pros and cons of different corona vaccines. He also satisfactorily answered all queries of faculties and students. - A few representative photographs (should be a part of the report) of the inaugural and valedictory functions and a few speakers conducting the sessions.